
Thursday, 5 June 2014

Learning To Make Repeating And Sequential Patterns.

 Cool pattern ASTON!!!!
 Ashlee sure knows how to use blocks in a repeating and sequential pattern.
 Well done MICAH!!!!
 Look at Cindy's amazing pattern. Awesome work!!!!
 Georgie is quickly learning to make some super cool patterns - Great Effort!!!
 Maddison worked really hard at these amazing repeating patterns. Well done!
 Execellent work MINA!!
Ardeyn was quietly working his way through this pattern. Fantastic concentration ARDEYN!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful patterns, and I thought there were no snakes in New Zealand! They look very like snakes. I hope no-one visited your class-room and got a fright. Paul (Dominic's dad)
