
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Some more videos of the Enviro Art Project

Day 2 & 3 - Enviro Art Week

Room 4 has begun work on their outdoor Reading Bookshelf. We are busy painting this Shelf with vibrant colours and Room 4 children have taken it upon themselves to make it look BRIGHTER and BETTER than Before!!

Monday, 23 March 2015

Sanding Off Old Paint

In Room 4 today we learnt how to sand off old paint with sand paper wrapped around a piece of wooden block!!! Look at the awesome kids from Room 4 who are busy sanding away some paint...

Oli's Painting Effort on Day 1 For The Enviro Week - 23.03.2015

Sunday, 22 March 2015

First Day of Enviro Week - 23.03.2015

On the first day of ENVIRO WEEK - Room 4 along with Room 5 have got on to a head start on creating Dr. Suess's Reading Corner outside our classes... look how clever we are, we have begun painting our truffula trees and our benches.....

 Look at Oli, how focussed he is while painting one of our many truffula trees..
 Vaydem, Shynal, Neil and Edvin are doing some sensible 'Read To Self' while they wait for their turn to do some painting.
 Great attention to detail Kendall - keep it up!!

 Awesome effort Isabella, you are really enjoying yourself in this Enviro Project.
 The Kids are busy sanding the paint off before we start re-painting them in Dr. Suess's colours.
 Great going Edvin - you did an awesome job at sanding those benches.
Amber worked very hard today - first sanding out and then painting the benches - great job Amber - you a real help around the classroom.

Cat In The Cat - Word Ending 'at'

Look how creative Room 4 got and made these cool 'at' ending words based on Dr. Suess's Cat In The Hat Book...

Monday, 2 March 2015

Dr. Suess Birthday Party!!!!

" Today was GOOD! Today was FUN! Tomorrow Is Another ONE!! "
Meet The Lorax, Cat In the Hat, Fish & The Grinch 
Edvin as 'Cat In the Hat' 
Jasmine as' Sally' 
Mikael as ' Thing 1' 
Neil as 'Sam I am' 
Sofiya as' Mum' 
Amber as ' Thing 2' 
oh!!! look - Thing 1 & Thing 2 
Isabella as 'Cat In The Hat' 
Oli as ' Fox in Socks'
Samantha as' Sam I am' 
Kendall as ' Sally' 

Welcome to Suesville in Room 4

Cornwallis Beach Trip - 2015

Sand castle on the beach, I built you BIG and STRONG!!!

A wave pushed in upon the sand,

And WHOOPS!!! you were GONE!!